
Photography has allowed me see the world differently. I notice things more. I appreciate light and shadows in ways I may have never thought possible. I notice people with nice smiles, beautiful eyes, and genuine laughs and want to capture them.

I recently came across a group of photographers who are coming together and posting once a month about what they are grateful for and I am really happy to be joining in.  They will be starting a blog all together, but for this month will be posting separately and linking everyone together. To check out the circle visit Arica and see what she is grateful for this month!


When I think about what I am grateful for, a lot comes to my mind. One of the times I feel the most gratitude is when the husband and I get a day to explore someplace new together. A day with no plan. We had one of those days recently. It happened to be our 3 year anniversary and with sunny blue skies we hit the road and enjoyed the whole day doing whatever we felt like…. It was perfect.

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5 Responses to gratitude…

  1. monika eisenbart says:

    wow what a beautiful place. It would make me so happy to wonder around there. it really takes breath away

  2. Vanessa says:

    Gorgeous! A place I definitely want to visit! I’m happy you are joining the project!

  3. Kristen says:

    I love this! Making a point to take time and share on your blog what you’re grateful for each month is such a fantastic idea. Gorgeous picture too :)

  4. Lili says:

    such a beautiful place! and a great thing to be thankful for x

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