
I have been away. Last week I spent 8 days in Andalu(th)sia , Spain photographing an amazing wedding of two good friends. To say it was a great time would be an understatement. There is something special about this area that draws you in and doesn’t let go. I see why they wanted to get married here.

I cannot wait to share some shots of my time, but until then here is one of my favorites…probably more for it’s sentimental reasons than the amazing photography, but I love it none the less. :)

Adios Spain
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2 Responses to spain.

  1. Christine Davis says:

    There is nothing like a sunset in Spain ;-) Wonderful glow you captured!

  2. edna says:

    Hello i am the singer of The rock band that played on the wedding ,i would really love to have some of the beatyfull fotos that you made,i am preparing a web site for us and i really neet fotos.would it be possibol to send me some to my email?
    I thank you so much,Edna

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